Access to the Event site is PROHIBITED and refused to, but not limited to, people who:
- Are under the influence of illegal drugs or any other illegal substances.
​- Are clearly suffering from alcohol or other intoxication which, in Event staff’s sole discretion, has caused you to be in an impaired state.
- Have been previously banned from festivals and/or other events by the organizer, the administration or legal authorities.
- Are demonstrating an intent to disturb the peace or to provoke someone else to do so
- Engage in fighting or disruptive behavior.
- Use foul language.
- Wear clothing with obscene or indecent language.
- Resist the direction of and search by the event security guards and security services.
- Refuse to declare and forfeit objects that are prohibited, as set forth herein.
- Distribute flyers or posters on or near the event site. If you would like to promote one of your events, then please visit the official High Ground website for more information.
- Act in violation of the provisions of one or more articles of these regulations or in the spirit thereof.
- You must empty all camelbacks and water bottles prior to entry each day.
- No vending without authorization by the festival
- No professional cameras, video or recording
- No press without credentials by the festival
Please note: All ticket holders will be searched upon entering the festival site. Security guards will inspect all objects brought onto the festival site including, but not limited to, clothing, luggage and other personal items in order to detect objects that may disrupt the course of the festival, jeopardize the safety of other ticketholders, or disturb the peace.
Security guards may search any persons and property on the festival site at any time, including, but not limited to, storage lockers, and confiscate any prohibited items, in their sole discretion. Given the volume of attendees, all confiscated items or any items will not be held checked or returned.